
New Partners and Goals: Launching the Next Phase of the Urban Vision Lutsk Project

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New Partners and Goals: Launching the Next Phase of the Urban Vision Lutsk Project

In April 2024, we signed a tripartite memorandum of cooperation between the Algorytm NGO, the study's initiator, the Urban Reform, and ORG Permanent Modernity (ORG Per Mod).

The architects and urbanists from Urban Reform and ORG Per Mod are going to do several key tasks for this phase of the project:

  • Creating a stakeholder map for Lutsk.
  • Identifying and rethinking the city's "gray areas" that need investment.
  • Establishing connections between Lutsk and international organizations, donors, and researchers.
  • Collecting data to serve as a scientific basis for creating a detailed plan for the entire city.
  • Investigating the city's transportation model.

On May 21, ORG Per Mod project manager Hendrik Blum and the head of Urban Reform Oleksandra Naryzhna arrived in Lutsk to survey the city's stakeholders. The survey was developed using the special Solv technology.

Oleksandra Naryzhna and Hendrik Blum
Oleksandra Naryzhna and Hendrik Blum

The first respondents included representatives from various sectors in Lutsk: business, culture, history, politics, construction experts, and volunteers.

These respondents completed questionnaires and shared their insights on Lutsk's needs and demands from both the residents' perspective and their specific activities.

The respondents are from different sectors. They vary, but share a common dream of making Lutsk a comfortable, modern, accessible, and creative city, a city of opportunities

said UVL project manager Lidiia Hontar.

A series of interviews with stakeholders will continue for two months. Following this, workshops, presentations, and other participatory practices will be held to involve as many residents as possible in shaping Lutsk's future vision.

Then, urbanists from ORG Per Mod will develop a robust set of programs for the continuous and sustained growth of an innovation cluster in Lutsk's center.

Additionally, to enhance the Urban Vision Lutsk study, the Algorytm platform has partnered with the Lutsk City Council to promote the study both locally and globally and find practical applications for it in the future.

Project Background

The Urban Vision Lutsk is implementing by Urban Reform, ORG and the misto.reboot NGO with the initiative and funding of the Algorytm NGO and the support of the Lutsk City Council.

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