
Algorithm of Actions: How Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Fosters Positive Changes in Lutsk

Bringing together people who are interested in growth and know what they are doing is how the magic happens. The non-governmental organization Algorithm of Actions aims to provide a platform for successful public-private collaboration in Lutsk. The focus of the team behind the organization is on enhancing social cohesion, engaging people of the region in different ways, and improving urban life.

The organization currently has several projects in the works aimed at solving the most crucial problems of Lutsk. Here, you can learn more about the mission of the NGO, its core principles, and its approach to promoting the development of the city.

What Are the Mission and Core Principles of the NGO Algorithm of Actions?

Effective collaboration between the government, regional community, and business brings the most long-lasting results. The team behind the Algorithm of Actions works to provide a platform for civil society and various organizations to cooperate and create a vision for the future of Lutsk.

The main values of the Algorithm of Actions in Lutsk include:

  • Dignity. The core belief of the Algorithm of Actions is that people deserve to have a high quality of life, whether we talk about temporary housing during the war or the permanent urban solutions in the city.
  • Full transparency. Another principle on which the organization relies is transparency. It is possible to look up how the NGO receives funds and how they are spent on projects.
  • Responsibility. The responsibility lies in developing projects that are sustainable. Also, the organization strives to spend funds responsibly and stick to the developed plans.
  • Inclusiveness. Accessibility of cities and public spaces is another concern of the Algorithm of Actions. The urban environment in Lutsk, Ukraine should be suitable for people with special needs.
  • Creativity. Bringing creative ideas to reality is an important part of the organization’s work. One of the goals of the NGO is to create a hub for creative industries, and thus promote more cultural and technological development in the city.

It’s important to note that the Algorithm of Actions is and always will be a non-partisan institution without any political engagement or ambitions. While cooperation with the local government is a part of the organization’s work, remaining politically neutral is one of the organization’s core principles.

Keeping the mentioned values in mind, the Algorithm of Actions currently has several projects that the team is actively working on:

RE: Ukraine Housing Lutsk

RE: Ukraine Housing Lutsk is a temporary housing project for 456 people. It is a part of the nationwide RE: Ukraine Housing system developed by balbek bureau. The project goal is to provide people who fled or lost their homes during the war with dignified housing in the village of Zhydychyn. What makes the project stand out is its focus on sustainability, building a community, and helping people integrate into the life of Lutsk and find jobs.

The Diia.Business center

Developing an entrepreneurial community is also crucial for bringing life and investments to Lutsk. One of the projects that will play a role in achieving these goals is The Diia.Business center. This project was created with the funds of entrepreneurs for the development of entrepreneurship in the region. The Diia.Business center was opened on the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office with the assistance of the Volyn Regional Military Administration and support of the companies — ideil, redesign, and UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group. The center is operated by the NGO Digital Vector.

The center provides free consultations for business owners. It also offers training programs for entrepreneurs, coworking spaces, a pop-up location for product testing, and more.

‘Urban Vision Lutsk’ and Lutsk city center development

The ‘Urban Vision Lutsk’ project is carried out by the NGO Urban Reform and the NGO misto.reboot on the initiative and financing of the NGO Algorithm of Actions and with the Lutsk City Council support. As part of the project, the Algorithm of Actions conducts extensive urban study. The goal is to engage the citizens and create a valuable master plan for the center of Lutsk that will be used as guidelines for future projects.

Another focus of the Algorithm of Actions is on creating a public city square in Lutsk. The project, which is currently under development, reimagines the public square by making it more inclusive, attractive to people, and suitable for recreation.

The Module of Temporality

With the support and funding of the NGO Algorithm of Actions, Don’t Take Fake installed a temporary cultural space called ‘The Module of Temporality’ (MOT) in Lutsk. It was created by an international team with the goal of bringing attention to the restoration of cultural institutions in Ukraine. The project aims to support artists and art institutions and contribute to the development of creative industries.

How Does Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Contribute to the Development of Lutsk?

Multi-stakeholder collaboration in Ukraine promotes the proper development of the city from different standpoints. The diversity of ideas achieved by the collaboration leads to new approaches to fixing issues in the city.

The main benefits associated with the cooperation of numerous stakeholders in Lutsk include:

  • Bringing together businesses and the creative community leads to more interesting projects in public spaces. As an example of such collaboration, the Lutsk city center will soon have a sculpture called “Grain” by the Ukrainian artist Oleskiy Zolotarev as part of the renovation of the Lutsk city center.
  • Social integration is achieved thanks to developing spaces for people to interact with others, share experiences, participate in workshops, and learn.
  • Cultural projects are also made possible thanks to multi-stakeholder collaboration. An example of this cooperation is the temporary cultural space “Module of Temporality” that was created by “Don’t Take Fake” and funded by the NGO.
  • Activation of residents is another important part. The Algorithm of Actions gets people involved by researching what people want to see in their city.
  • Multi-stakeholder collaboration leads to economic development. This is achieved by creating more in-demand businesses, giving people jobs, and attracting tourists by making the city a more interesting place.

Final Thought

Based on the experience of other cities, having multi-stakeholders in Lutsk is one of the effective ways to develop the city socially, economically, and culturally. The Algorithm of Actions is the platform that makes this cooperation possible in a convenient way.

Just like anywhere else in the world, social projects in Ukraine require collaborative efforts of specialists from different spheres. Founded by people passionate about improving Lutsk and its outskirts, the NGO brings people and businesses together to think about the future of the region and make positive changes.


What is the NGO Algorithm of Actions?

Algorithm of Actions in Lutsk is a non-governmental organization that acts as a collaborative platform to bring together professionals from the spheres of technology, business, and creativity. The goal is to create an IT and creative hub in the city of Lutsk which will further promote development of the region.

What are the main projects of the NGO Algorithm of Actions?

One of the biggest social projects in Lutsk currently being developed by Algorithm of Actions is RE: Ukraine Housing Lutsk. It will provide temporary housing for people affected by the war. Also, the organization operates the Diia.Business Center and conducts reconstruction of a public square in Lutsk.

How can I get involved with the NGO Algorithm of Actions?

Collaboration is an integral part of the organization’s work. If you have specific ideas or are interested in cooperation, you can always get in touch with the team of the Algorithm of Actions by emailing us at [email protected].

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