
Urban Vision Lutsk: How the Project Transforms the Urban Space of the City of Lutsk

The modern city should have more than 5G connectivity and contemporary architectural styles. A city, in a modern understanding of this term, is a high level of comfort for citizens and maximization of the potential of each district under the principles of reasonable use of available space and the needs of people who live and work in it. The desire to create a comfortable and, at the same time, functional urban environment fuels various urbanistic projects. In Ukraine, one of the brightest representatives in this niche is Urban Vision Lutsk.

Urban Vision Lutsk project is implemented by public organizations with the initiative and funding of the Algorytm platform. Its main goal is to improve the quality of life and attractiveness of Lutsk city center, to ensure sustainable development of the city, as well as to increase its economic activity and openness by developing Lutsk’s urban strategy.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Identifying the city's potential.
  • Creating conditions for increasing tourist and investment attractiveness with the most appropriate tools.
  • Increasing the connectivity of the city through rethinking of neighborhoods, creation of new green areas, and pedestrian routes.
  • Improving the quality of life, accessibility, convenience, and urban resilience of the city center for all segments of the population.

Let's take a look at what Urban Vision Lutsk has already achieved and what it’s about to do in the near future. This will allow us to clearly explain how urban projects are done right.

What’s Urban Vision Lutsk Methodology Based On?

The Urban Vision Lutsk project consists of several key stages aimed at a detailed study of potential vectors of city development. The first stage of the project was a Lutsk urban research based on open sources, documents, and surveys of the city residents. All this created a foundation for identifying the city's problems and finding potential solutions.

Having studied all available information, the project team was able to create a digital database about the city and thoroughly analyze its potential vectors of development, taking into account the needs of citizens. The results of the study will be used as a basis for developing the development concept of the central part of Lutsk and modeling development scenarios.

The urban studies of Lutsk showed that the city center has low density - both physically and functionally. To justify its status as an administrative, business, and cultural center, the city needs new magnets - points of attraction for various communities. That is, to fill the existing buildings of the center with new functions, to use empty and chaotic areas for new low-rise development, and to create new active routes and convenient streets. It also makes sense to increase the mobility of the city by creating a bicycle network and several new public transportation routes.

The right step for Lutsk would be to strengthen the city's existing potential and develop a cultural and innovation cluster in the city. With new housing, spaces for community interaction, services, and conditions for cluster growth.

Next, Urban Vision Lutsk conducted a sociological survey to find out what residents think about the future of urban governance in Lutsk. The survey identified potential areas of urban renewal, such as: 

  • Creation and restoration of public spaces; 
  • Greening to ensure urban regeneration;
  • Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the city;
  • Utilization of rivers as part of public space.

What Are the Current Results of Urban Vision Lutsk?

To date, the Urban Vision Lutsk project is finishing the Master Plan for the central part of the city. Having thoroughly studied the documents, the opinion of the city residents, and the best urban practices, the project participants have already presented a general concept of the center's development. The final version of the Master Plan is under preparation and will be released very soon. 

You may already judge the approximate content of the Master Plan and the prospects of urban innovation in Lutsk based on the Concept of the center development. This document specifies potential vectors of city development, ways of building and densification of public spaces, necessary natural spaces, as well as ways to improve urban mobility and culture.

Based on the research results, the following vectors for the development of the city center will be included in the Master Plan:

  • Preservation and development of cultural objects, natural environment, and unique identity of Lutsk. 
  • New opportunities for business development and creative industries.
  • Physical and mental barrier-free city, ensuring the continuity of urban space.
  • Comfortable living conditions and attractiveness of the urban environment.
  • Development and saturation of the central part of the city with new functions at the expense of building density to tackle urban placemaking and identity in Lutsk.
  • Adaptation of urban space to actual and expected climatic impacts.

These vectors consider both the objective necessity of urban space and the wishes of the urban area inhabitants.


To date, the project has studied in detail the potential ways of city development, taking into account historical references, comprehensive environmental assessment, and documents regulating the urban heritage conservation and revitalization in Lutsk. In addition, Urban Vision Lutsk paid special attention to the opinion of Lutsk residents and their vision for the development of the urban environment of the city center.  

Currently, the project’s team is in the process of developing the Master Plan of the city center. The importance of such projects can hardly be overestimated, as the positive experience of an urban project in one city will be a great example for others. Nevertheless, any project requires an interested community for its realization. Learn more about Urban Vision Lutsk on the project page, study in detail what we have already achieved and what remains to be done, and join the urban transformation of Lutsk. Only together, we can make Ukraine and the world a better place to live. 


What is Urban Vision Lutsk, and why is it important?

Urban Vision Lutsk is an urban research and analysis project of the central part of the city. A team of specialists conducted a comprehensive urban planning study, taking into account the peculiarities of Lutsk and the opinions of its residents. The final goal of the project is to present a Master Plan for the Lutsk city center and increase the quality of life and tourist attractiveness of the city.

How was urban research and analysis of the central part of Lutsk conducted for the Urban Vision Lutsk project?

During the Lutsk urban research, the team studied open data and online surveys, conducted interviews and workshops with Lutsk residents, completed several field studies, and collaborated with local authorities. After that, the team conducted a sociological survey to understand how the residents wanted to develop their city.

What is the master plan of the central part of Lutsk?

The Master Plan is a comprehensive rethinking of the central part of Lutsk. It envisages the creation of urban green and blue infrastructure in Lutsk, as well as the densification of spaces for a more reasonable use of the territory.

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