In May 2023, Algorytm NGO set out to take the lead in transforming its hometown into a modern city built on the principles of urbanism. The team undertook a comprehensive urban study of Lutsk to identify the key concerns of the city's residents in order to determine the next vectors of development.
The result is a printed magazine and a digital document, which contains data from the first stage of the comprehensive research Urban Vision Lutsk. It is a detailed database of Lutsk residents' requests for change, the specifics of life in the city and its infrastructure, as well as an analysis of Lutsk's potential.
The first phase of Urban Vision Lutsk is now over, and Algorytm NGO is already implementing the second phase of the project. Let's have a look at what key steps of urban research of the city of Lutsk are already taken and what plans the team has for the future.
4 Stages of Research for the Urban Study of Lutsk

So, the first phase of urban research in Lutsk consisted of 4 key stages. The team studied the needs of city residents and potential vectors of Lutsk development.
Stage 1 — Gathering information
According to Algorytm NGO methodology, the first stage is information gathering. The team conducted a comprehensive survey of the city residents' needs through interviews and workshops.
The task of the survey was to find out what Lutsk lacks for an interesting life, how people use the environment, what their leisure looks like, and what services they need. The main task was to create a roadmap for the renovation of the old center based on the requests.
In total, the Algorytm NGO team conducted 20 expert interviews and surveyed around 2,000 residents. Also, during the urban study of Lutsk the team used open data, field research, and city council documents.
Stage 2 — Start of work on the master plan
Based on the findings, the team started concept evaluation and began work on a master plan. The master plan is based on the wishes of residents, as well as the needs of businesses, representatives of creative industries, and other stakeholders.
The following areas were recognized as priorities:
- Creating a vibe of opportunity: bring together businesses in the concept center in Lutsk and the city as a whole.
- Creating ecosystems for animals to improve the city environment.
- Creating conditions for cultural life open playgrounds, football pitches, basketball courts, and opportunities for active recreation outside the city.
- Gradual pedestrianization of the city center in order to take away traffic from the center, completion of the ring road in the western part of the city with ongoing traffic.
- Implementation of the latest technologies in transportation security.
- Reducing the amount of communication between citizens and local authorities and replacing it with a digital analog with a clear sequence of actions.
Stage 3 — Analysis of the results
Next, the team analyzed the sociological survey results. Based on the urban study of Lutsk, the experts concluded that the city's changemakers have an important request for infrastructure projects, expansion of the city's boundaries, and streamlined and transparent relations with the authorities.
The main problem of the urban planning process in Lutsk is the lack of perception of Lutsk as a city of regional importance. The citizens are used to seeing Lutsk as a small town and giving preferences to specific places without paying attention to the city's meaning.
Another significant challenge for the city is its weak territorial identity, which means citizens rarely feel they belong here. Although people know each other, they are not ready to unite to make a difference. Also, citizens noted a lack of public places, where they can share a small talk, meet people, share new ideas, have leisure strolls, or even outdoor activities.
At the same time, the study revealed that Lutsk has a great potential for change. This can be achieved through the development of natural heritage, strengthening of historical identity, diversification of tourism, and introduction of digitalization into urban processes.
Among the city's advantages are short distances, outstanding architecture, and the presence of large natural areas in the city center. These factors became the basis for Algorytm NGO's further work to improve the city.
Stage 4 — Presentation of the results
The series of documents for further improvement of Lutsk marked the final point of the urban study. First, it is of course Urban Vision Lutsk — a comprehensive study that outlines the main areas of work for the city improvement.
In addition, a sociological survey in Lutsk was presented within the project, concerning the wishes and suggestions of citizens. The document describes the desired look of the city as well as the exhibition of the spatial plan of the city center of Lutsk.
Another important document is the concept of Lutsk city center development. It is a dynamic spatial concept of the center of the city, which is based on the findings of an urban study during the participatory activities of the UVL project. This concept provides the basis for the future sustainable growth of the city and the entire Lutsk community.
In addition, a 3D digital model of the city and a GIS database were developed. All this laid the foundation for the second phase of UVL.
New Phase of the Urban Vision Lutsk Project

Although the first phase of the study has been completed, the Algorytm NGO team is already pursuing the project. In April 2024, the second phase of the UVL project was launched. It is now underway and consists of the following key milestones.
Expanding the strategic goal of the UVL project
In April 2024 Algorytm NGO decided to expand the strategic goals of the project and use the data obtained for further development of the city. For this purpose, a joint tripartite memorandum was signed between ORG Per Mod, the NGO Urban Reform, and Algorytm NGO.
ORG Per Mod is a team of architects and urbanists. Their task is to collect data that will become the basis for the development of an urban development strategy for the city of Lutsk and to promote the project within the framework of their activities.
NGO "Urban Reform" is also a team of architects and urbanists. Their main role is the implementation of the development plan.
In particular, they are engaged in:
- data collection;
- conducting workshops on urban learning in Lutsk;
- systematizing data and mapping Lutsk;
- promotion of the project;
- working with key stakeholders.
After finding new partners, it was time to act. In May 2024 ORG Per Mod manager Hendrik Blum and the head of Urban Reform Oleksandra Naryzhna arrived in the city to conduct the first round of interviews with key stakeholders regarding the development of Lutsk.
Representatives of the business, cultural sector, construction industry, city administration, and others were asked to fill out questionnaires and personally share their thoughts on the vectors of the city's development.
The interviews helped to identify the main directions of development and create scenarios for the workshops. The latter took place in June 2024 as part of the urban learning platform and was followed by a second round of interviews and bilateral meetings.
At the time of writing, this and the next steps are just yet to be realized. The team plans to develop the concept of the ecosystem, the city identity, the Lutsk narrative, and the concept of the chosen place, as well as to continue master plan implementation. These developments are scheduled for July-August 2024.
Strategy for the city of Lutsk
Based on the findings, the final strategy and narrative will be developed and refined. In September 2024 the first draft of the master plan and strategy will be presented. From October to November, the draft will be finalized, taking into account the opinions of stakeholders. Finally, the final version of the strategy for the future of the city will be presented in December.
Final Thought
Algorytm NGO has already done a lot for the development of the city of Lutsk and more needs to be done. Urban Vision Lutsk has been able to form a solid foundation for the city's transformation into a creative center of Ukraine and Europe.
Algorytm NGO intends to work with all stakeholders and put the city's development concept into practice. You can get familiar with details of the urban study of the city of Lutsk, learn about the achieved milestones, as well as the team's further plans to make the world a better place to live.