Urban Vision Lutsk is the first comprehensive urban study of the city of Lutsk
MAIN GOAL: Creation of the strategic vision plan and future development strategy for the city of Lutsk.
The Urban Vision Lutsk project is implemented by NGO "Urban Reform" (Kharkiv), ORG (New York / Antwerp / Brussels), and NGO "Misto.Reboot" (Lutsk) initiated by Algorytm NGO and with the support of the Lutsk City Council.
All stakeholders are involved in the project's activities — an active community, youth, businesses, city authorities, and experts.
- identify the city's potential and engage Lutsk residents in forming a shared vision of the future;
- identify tools for increasing the city's tourist and investment attractiveness;
- create a model of city connectivity through the integration of nature and new pedestrian routes;
- improve the quality of life, accessibility, convenience, and visual appeal of the city center for all demographics.
- develop principles to integrate modern residential and commercial buildings, organize existing development, and preserve heritage in the city center;
- improve the urban environment for people with limited mobility.
Stage I – 2023
- Main data collection for creating the master plan of Lutsk's city centre
Stage II – 2024
- Creating a strategic vision plan for Lutsk
As part of the Urban Vision Lutsk project, a sociological survey was conducted to identify the city's growth points. Urban planners also compiled all the data into two publications: "Urban Research" and "Concept for the Development of the Central Part of Lutsk."
These documents can be downloaded from the project's website.
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