"Urban Talks" is a series of city lectures and discussions organized as part of the Urban Vision Lutsk project.
Renowned architects, urban planners, and civic leaders from Ukraine and Europe come to Lutsk to share their expertise and insights on urban development. But “Urban Talks” is more than just expert presentations; it also involves engaging with local residents and sparking new ideas.
How does it work?
First, speakers share their experiences and achievements in urbanism, showcasing successful projects, implemented in Lutsk and around the world. Then, they describe the region’s unique features and the potential with the audience. Finally, through workshops and discussions, new ideas for the city's development are generated collectively.
The new season of "Urban Talks", which began in spring 2024, is unique because each meeting takes place in a different location to better experience the city.

Who organizes it?
"Urban Talks" was initiated by the misto.reboot NGO and supported by the Algorytm platform as part of the first urban study, Urban Vision Lutsk.
Who can join?
Anyone can attend the lectures and join the discussions. At these events, you will not only hear from fascinating speakers but also have the opportunity to propose your ideas for Lutsk’s development, share insights, and present the results of your research.
Follow the Urban Vision Lutsk social media pages for announcements of all lectures. Note that some locations for Urban Talks have limited seating so registration may be required.

Urban Vision Lutsk is the first comprehensive urban study of Lutsk, aiming to create a strategic vision plan and future development strategy for the city. The project is initiated by the Algorytm platform, implemented with the NGO "Urban Reform", ORG Permanent Modernity, misto.reboot, and supported by the Lutsk City Council.