
September Highlights from Algorytm platform

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Key events and updates from our Algorytm platform team in September.

September 2: The opening of misto.café

misto.café, the first social impact café in the Volyn region, has officially opened in Lutsk. With100 co-founders, 80% of the café's net profit will support initiatives for the city's development. The café offers dishes from Volyn, Crimean Tatar, and modern European cuisines. 

September 4: Fundraising Strategy Grant Confirmation

The ISAR Ednannia selection committee approved funding for Algorytm platform to implement a fundraising strategy. We are currently in the process of selecting an expert to help with this project.

September 6: Urban Talks with Marichka Zakaliuzhna

We invited Marichka Zakaliuzhna to Lutsk for an Urban Talks. She shared her expertise on organizing large urban events in Ukraine, drawing on her experience coordinating the Lviv Urban Forum, which in 2024 featured 50 speakers and 1,300 participants from various countries.

September 9: Grant for Communications School

Supporting the development of creative industries, Algorytm platform initiated a school for communications managers. International donor IREX endorsed this idea, and our application was selected for the "Brave Ideas" grant. We’re working on the details and will share more about the school soon.

September 12-14: Ukrainian Urban Forum in Chernivtsi

Our Urban Vision Lutsk team participated in the Ukrainian Urban Forum in Chernivtsi, where they discussed city development, met urban experts, and formed new partnerships.

Algorytm platform's team participated in the Ukrainian Urban Forum in Chernivtsi
Algorytm platform's team participated in the Ukrainian Urban Forum in Chernivtsi

September 14: Lecture on Cultural Management by Ella Yatsuta

Ella Yatsuta, CEO of Algorytm platform, gave a lecture on cultural management as part of a program by the Prybuzhzhia Regional Development Agency. She shared her experience on how culture, business, and education can collaborate to foster new ideas.

September 15: Lutsk City Day and Chamber Acoustic Evening

In celebration of Lutsk City Day, a chamber acoustic evening called IMPREZA LUBARTA was held near the "Zerno" sculpture. Local artists performed, creating a unique atmosphere and paying tribute to the city.  Algorytm platform partnered in this event, which highlighted the creative spirit of Lutsk.

We also released a satirical video, debunking stereotypes and showcasing the beauty of Lutsk, which gained over 120,000 views across social media.

September 17: Urban Workshops with Lutsk Residents

Our partners from ORG (Brussels) and Urban Reform (Kharkiv) joined us for two workshops in Lutsk:

  • Exploring public spaces and gathering ideas for improvements
  • Identifying the city's economic potential and how to develop it

September 18: Lectures from International Experts and a Workshop in the City Centre

Dozens of Lutsk residents gathered to hear Alexander D'Hooghe and Hendrik Bloem, architects from Belgium’s ORG, discuss urban strategies and city planning. After the lectures, attendees participated in the "Develop Lutsk" workshop with Urban Reform team, seeking ideas to boost the city's economy and cultural life.

Lecrutes and workshop in the City centre of Lutsk
Lecrutes and workshop in the City centre of Lutsk

September 19: "Candidates of Creative Sciences" — New Podcast Episode 

Algorytm platform launched the Candidates of Creative Sciences podcast, featuring video interviews with representatives of Ukraine's creative industries. Here are guests of a new episode:

  • Viktoria Vysotska, a manager and marketing manager with 14 years of experience
  • Ivan Trofymchuk, event host, TV presenter, and public speaking coach
  • Tym Tymchenko, video creator, director, and screenwriter

September 19: Forum "Actions Bring Changes"

Our communications manager, Iryna Novosad, was a speaker at the forum, organized by the Volyn Institute of Law. The forum brought together NGOs, authorities, and donor organizations to discuss how to build strong collaborations to address key challenges facing communities.

September 20: Memorandum with the Business Support Center in Novovolynsk

We signed a memorandum with the Business Support Center to offer more training, seminars, and educational events for entrepreneurs in Volyn. Our goal is to promote self-employment, and foster the growth of small and medium-sized businesses in the region.

September 20-21: Participation in Brave Summit in Ivano-Frankivsk

Our team attended the Brave Summit organized by our partners from Promprylad. It brought together business and civic sector leaders to discuss challenges and find solutions. The event also featured inspiring stories and valuable networking opportunities.

September 24: Launch the “Dream.Act” Project by Diia.Business Center in Lutsk

The Diia.Business Center in Lutsk launched the “Dream.Act” project, offering tours of local production facilities. The first event took place at EVO derm, a company specializing in natural cosmeceuticals. The project aims to show the behind-the-scenes of business, inspire and support those who are just planning to start their own business.

Tour on EVO derm facilities, organized by Diia.Business Center in Lutsk 
Tour on EVO derm facilities, organized by Diia.Business Center in Lutsk 

September 24: MOT Auction in Paris

The art space Module of Temporality (MOT) in collaboration with the French auction house Tajan held a charity auction in Paris to raise funds for the restoration of Ukrainian art institutions damaged by Russian aggression. Algorytm platform supported MOT's restoration campaign, organized by the Don’t Take Fake team.

September 25: Training for NGOs and Cultural Institutions

The Algorytm platform began educational events for NGOs and cultural institutions, including lectures, training sessions, and workshops to build a strong and united civil society community. On September 25, we held a fundraising workshop led by Alina Bocharnikova, a certified trainer and social entrepreneurship consultant.

September 24: Press Event on Social Entrepreneurship

We invited journalists from across Ukraine to learn about social entrepreneurship from Alina Bocharnikova and discuss successful case studies, including (Lutsk), Urban Space 100 (Ivano-Frankivsk), and Misto Hub (Poltava).

September 27-29: Participation in Urban Forum in Zhytomyr

Urban Vision Lutsk’s project manager Lidiya Gontar took part in the Urban Forum in Zhytomyr, where municipal leaders, architects, developers, and community members came together to discuss local urban planning challenges.

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